Avaap Blog

Our Love Language is a Successful ERP Implementation

Written by Vanessa Young | Feb 11, 2021 7:44:55 PM

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman explains different ways people experience and express love. You may already know what your love language is - are you a quality time person? Or maybe you value acts of service. Avaap’s love language is a successful ERP implementation. Here’s how we know:

Words of Affirmation / Change Leadership

Those whose love language is words of affirmation thrive on verbal acknowledgement, encouragement, and words of appreciation. In an ERP implementation, change leadership is key to a successful implementation, go-live and beyond. When a change is introduced in an organization, there tends to be a dip in performance and fear from employees that they may be replaced by technology or unable to perform their new duties. Leadership, on the other hand, mainly focuses on how the new technology will automate processes and make the organization more efficient. Employee perception is driven by leaders. Change leaders champion why the organization is moving to a new ERP system, communicate how it benefits the users in the organization, and the commitment to the change for improving how work gets done. Focusing on change leadership, organizations can help employees progress through change so they are ready, willing, and able to adopt the new way of working.

Quality Time / Choosing the Right Partner

Spending time together, active listening, and being present in the moment is exactly what someone seeks with a love language of quality time. During an ERP implementation, the team and the implementation partner will spend a lot of time together. Finding a partner that listens to your needs, understands your business processes, and understands the people side of change is paramount to a successful go-live and sustainable results.

Acts of Service / Project Sponsors

Those whose love language is acts of service appreciate the little things that make life easier. Being deliberate about managing change through project sponsorship as the new system is implemented will make everyone’s lives easier. From clear communication channels to information and training sessions, employees and leaders alike will benefit. Strong project sponsorship includes messaging coming from the right channels – personal changes for the employees coming from managers, while large-scaled changes come the main project sponsor.

Gifts / Celebrating Milestones

A love language of gifts is as straightforward as it gets. Those with this love language feel valued by symbols of love and appreciation in the form of gifts. During an ERP implementation, it can be easy to get wrapped up in the everyday work. It’s important to take a step back and appreciate just how far the team has come every so often and to celebrate the milestones you hit whether they are big or small.

Touch / Training

Those who value touch as their love language love feeling connected. Training people on the new way of working equals faster time to adoption and efficiency. User training, change leadership, and project sponsorship all come together as your organization gets everyone on-board with the new technology.
Like it or not, your ERP is a love relationship. With a little effort, you’ll be able to ensure it’s a long and happy one.