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Bruce Halley

Return to Work Plans Askew? Here’s What to Do

Where do return to work plans stand now that the highly contagious Delta variant is surging across the country? Google mobility data shows that workplace activity in some cities is still about 50 percent below pre-pandemic levels. While many organizations announced September as the return to work target, there is a growing trend in pushing that back, with some experts predicting that the new “return” date will be in 2022. But what will this return look like? For many people, the longer they are at home, the less they want to return to the office. A Prudential survey of U.S. workers shows that 42 percent of current remote workers will look for another job if they are not offered remote options. While some workers are calling for full time remote, others want to return, missing the social aspect and career advancement opportunities that happen in the office.

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