Avaap Blog

Next Generation of Leadership: Fostering Connectivity and Collaboration in a Shifting Landscape

Written by Stacy George | Sep 5, 2023 5:25:02 PM

As technology advances, it has become increasingly more difficult for leaders to be at the forefront of their industry. Leaders must foster connectivity and collaboration for their people in a shifting landscape while balancing budgets, organizational culture, and business productivity.

When it comes to your team, it’s important to remember the human side of technology. Here are three ways to harness innovation for harmony between your people and your technology.

People Analytics: Your Key to Understanding Organizational Culture Trends

Empower your business to leverage data-informed decision-making instead of opaque intuition to ensure people and the organization thrive. Leaders who embrace a data culture mindset leverage sophisticated analysis to inform talent decisions, improve workforce processes, and promote positive employee experiences. Focusing on people analytics provides a competitive advantage to attract and retain top talent. One way to put your people first through technology is by investing in a modern HCM system that allows you to better understand stakeholders and leverage data and analytics tracking and reporting for key performance indicators.

Break Down Silos to Increase Collaboration

Ever been motivated by the momentum of a project at work only to be blocked by waiting for a key component in another department? Many organizations struggle with data living in silos. Not only does this reduce productivity, but it also creates frustration for employees who are dependent on another department’s busy schedule and the additional frustration that comes with having to share and receive data that is not uniform. Leaders can increase collaboration and reduce employee agitation by creating a culture of data and investing in a modern data platform that allows for secure sharing across departments and by breaking down silos.

At the End of the Day, Remember the People

Technology transformations are exciting. It can be easy to get lost in the weeds about the exciting process automations, efficiencies, and savings your organizational will experience once live with your new technology. But at the end of the day, it’s your people who will be the deciding factor in if your new technology is successful. Ensuring that all employees are onboard with the new way of working is key to success. No matter how well your new technology works, if the people aren’t behind it, it won’t be as successful. In situations like technology transformation, change management is paramount in accelerating adoption and sustaining change.

With the increasing demands of advancing technology while improving the employee experience, the next generation of leaders must focus on their two most important assets, their people and their data, in order to foster a culture that is collaborative and connected.