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    Posts by:

    Mark Dillard

    Change and Resilience: Supporting Others

    In our previous resilience blog post, we described strategies you can employ for strengthening the resilience muscle and how, positive relationships can bolster personal resilience and are important for supporting others, especially as they navigate setbacks and disruption. As working patterns have shifted significantly to remote networks, employees are left without the personal interactions that they’ve been accustomed to and are crucial for healthy engagement. According to a recent Gartner survey of 800 HR Executives, 88 percent of organizations have encouraged or required employees to work from home related to COVID-19. 

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    Strengthening your Organizational Resilience

    The global pandemic required businesses to respond quickly and make changes to how work gets done, but it has also created permanent change for the future. We are in new territory and the structure and complexity of this change is unique and atypical. Leaders are increasingly faced with the challenge of ensuring their people stay focused, engaged, and productive and with the pressure of continued uncertainty, it’s more important than ever that companies invest in strategies to strengthen resilience post-pandemic.

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    Strengthening Change Agility: The Role of Resilience in Transformation

    Organizations that incorporate change agility as a competency in their transformation programs or leadership development have a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The more your people know how they react to change, the faster they can adapt to change, the quicker you can get to market, execute strategies, and realize the return on investment of critical business strategies and initiatives.

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    Finding Leverage Within the Next Normal

    COVID-19 has created an increasingly complex set of workplace dynamics. In response, much has been written about how organizations can best navigate the engagement and management of a remote workforce. While there almost certainly will be a shifting paradigm in the value and efficacy of working remotely, it will also be increasingly important to understand how best to create the most value from the in-person interactions we do have, interactions that will likely be more targeted and/or limited. As the balance shifts in working remote vs in-person, it becomes more critical to identify and focus on the points of interaction that will yield the most value to the organization.

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