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    Posts by:

    Nicole Ranere

    Why a Local Guide Matters: Successfully Navigating EHR Integration

    People are traveling to new destinations now more than ever. When travelling, one of the decisions you make is whether to sightsee without a guide or enlist people familiar with the city to show you around. Exploring a new city on your own has its advantages, and you'll likely have a good time, but using a local guide will ensure you have a great time and don't take any missteps along the way. Local guides know the dos and don'ts of the area, the best places to eat, speak the local language, and will help you get the most out of your time in this uncharted territory!

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    Let's Take a Road Trip

    Installing software at a hospital can be like taking a road trip across the country with a caravan of cars. In one car, you have the IT department. In the other cars, you have the end users. The goal of the trip is the same for everyone - to arrive safely at the destination as quickly as possible.

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