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    Posts by:

    Cynthia Hartman

    All Aboard! Engaging Employees During a Transit Industry ERP Implementation for a Successful Product Delivery

    Roadblocks abound in any ERP implementation, especially for transit organizations transforming their back-office systems to cloud-based ERPs. Why? While these agencies provide critical infrastructure services, they often face distinct challenges that add complexity to an enterprise-wide digital transformation project including:
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    Help Me, Help You: Preparing for Large-Scale Technology Transitions: Part 3

    Our last post discussed examining your organization’s culture and developing a strong internal communication strategy. Today’s post will explore the three remaining key focus areas and recommendations: documenting your current business processes, aligning your existing policies and SOP’s with the new business processes (ideally before go-live), and identifying (or creating) the unit within your organization that will manage your new ERP.

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    Help Me, Help You: Preparing for Large-Scale Technology Transitions: Part 2

    Last week’s post focused on the importance of assessing your organization’s health before a large-scale technology implementation and addressing potential issues before they impact project outcomes. This week’s post explores the areas of organization culture and internal communications, the issues organizations frequently encounter during change, and recommendations on how to address them.

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    The Role of Strategic Communication in Transforming Police Departments

    Many organizations often struggle with transformational change and police departments are no different. Unlike other large organizations, police departments usually do not have an internal communications function within their leadership structure. Most will have a Public Information Office (PIO) or media relations specialist, but no role devoted solely to internal communications. The lack of such a role can hinder transformational change, whether it is technology based or organizational in nature. Furthermore, the lack of an internal communications role within any organization often points to a lack of a strategic approach to communications in general.

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