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    The EHR Explainer: Decoding the Problem List

    What I hear often when visiting physicians who are using the problem list in an electronic health record (EHR) is “it doesn’t give me any information.” When I ask why, is it empty? They say, “No, there are a hundred things on it. It’s filled with lots of stuff.” The problem is that you really don’t have an accurate snapshot of a patient when people are just throwing problems on the problem list.

    Physicians have to start de-duplicating and doing work on the problem list because it’s not accurate, tight, up-to-date and reflective of the patient’s acuity and status today. And so, they get uninvolved with the problem list and the issues get increasingly worse.

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    Tip Tuesday: Following the Guidance of Leonardo da Vinci

    The quote “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” originally from Leonardo da Vinci and the headline of one of Apple’s first marketing brochures in 1977, underscores the design philosophy that led to much of Apple’s success. Unfortunately, modern electronic health record (EHR) documentation workflows are far from simple. Regulatory, legal, reporting, payor, and other documentation requirements have shifted the focus of clinical workflows from patient care to data entry. These requirements result in suboptimal Frankenstein-like EHRs and uncertainty about how to make things better.

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    I was recently sitting in a business meeting with some of my company’s leadership, discussing our financial performance and our future. I heard things like:

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