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    Posts by:

    Brett Weiss

    Healthcare - One Year Later

    Last fall, we headed to Arizona for the CHIME Fall Forum, and didn’t know it would be among the last times CIOs and technology leaders would assemble in person. We were gathered to discuss seismic shifts in healthcare organization structures, healthcare information technology, and care delivery, and where it has enabled transformation or provoked disruption.

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    Time for a Supply Chain Refresh? These Tips Can Help

    Hospitals and healthcare organizations face the increasing challenge of managing escalating costs while striving to deliver exceptional patient experiences. Looking to the supply chain and using data can help organizations identify waste and opportunities to trim costs. Connecting supply chain data with labor and other expenses provides more accurate insight into what it costs to treat a patient, linking care to quality. It also ensures that the hospital is equipped with the right materials, where and when they’re needed, especially important in the wake of the global pandemic.

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    Your One Stop Checklist for Moving to the Cloud

    For healthcare organizations that are seeking to improve productivity, increase efficiency, and reduce costs while improving care quality, a cloud-based ERP system is the perfect move to kick off your digital transformation strategy. Organizations that haven’t made the move to cloud yet are likely to be running a newly implemented EHR that is only partially, if at all, connected with your legacy ERP.

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    Is it Time to Ditch Your Legacy Technology?

    Historically, community, critical access, and rural hospitals didn’t have many options when it came to their enterprise systems. Tight margins and limited technical support have held smaller hospitals back from being able to invest in enterprise-scale ERP systems. Often, disconnected systems and paper-based processes were often put in place for materials management, financials, human resources, etc.

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