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    Cloud Readiness: Tips from the Flight Deck

    As every pilot knows, preflight checklists are essential, and when performed properly, everyone benefits. They help pilots plan and ensure safety and success. They help crew and passengers have a seamless and safe experience. For ERP implementations, a preflight checklist can ensure the right system is selected and that the organization is prepared for implementation and sustainable success. A pre-implementation checklist provides informed insight, action items and necessary steps for different teams in the organization.

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    ARPA Funding is Still Available: Here's How to Use It

    The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law a year ago on March 11, 2021. The plan, which includes $350 billion dollars in emergency funding, is dedicated to mitigating pandemic impacts for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. While now a year old, there is still funding available and recipients still have until December 31, 2024, to assign funds and until December 31, 2026, to spend them.

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    Building Your Cloud Migration Strategy: Considerations for Selecting Your Next ERP

    Hospitals and health systems running archaic systems for finance, human resources, and supply chain likely experience issues with data access and validity, high overhead costs, complicated or siloed processes, and limited functionality and capabilities compared to today’s all-in-one cloud solutions. For healthcare CIOs looking to move to an enterprise system in the cloud, there are a number of considerations to make when selecting a new ERP vendor.

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    Optimizing Operations: Managing the Heart of Your Health System

    Deploying a new cloud ERP system is a transformative process for any hospital or health system, which  can get increasingly complex in today’s environment of large acquisitions and mergers, where healthcare organizations are bringing together disconnected systems on different platforms with different processes, while planning resource allocation amid day-to-day operations. Additionally, hospital staff are already spread thin due to pandemic strain, staff shortages, and employees working remote, further hindering transformation efforts.

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    Cloud Implementations: Don't Let the Pain of the Past Get in the Way of the Future

    For many organizations, the decision to move to the cloud is both simple and difficult at the same time. On one hand, the benefits are clear: streamlined operations, fewer manual processes, and improved efficiency. However, the process to get there can be daunting due to the time, effort, complexity, and cost that goes into a cloud implementation. The trepidation is compounded for organizations that hold bad memories from getting to where they are now with their current system.
    It’s important to not let the pain of past ERP implementations get in the way of your future with a cloud transformation. Below are ways to set yourself up for success when moving to the cloud.

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    A New Approach for Student System Selection in a Cloud World

    The global pandemic led many institutions to evaluate student systems, reassessing if existing technology meets the growing expectations of students, faculty, and staff. Selecting a student system is no small task; success in the cloud requires a new approach to software selection. The decision has lasting impact on every campus and business unit inside the institution. As your school approaches transformation, here are some things to consider.

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