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    Posts about:

    Change Analytics

    Leveraging Data and Analytics to Prepare for Digital Transformation

    Change is everywhere. The average organization today has undertaken five large-scale changes in the past three years, with expectations of multiplying this number in coming years. Big or small, many of these changes are either directly driven by technology or have a strong technological component. Digital transformation efforts average a failure rate of nearly 70 percent, despite the right intentions.

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    Change Analytics and Emerging Themes from ACMP Global Connect

    Change analytics is an evolving space and having the chance to talk about the subject at ACMP Global Connect led to great discussions with change practitioners around the globe. One key theme during many of our conversations focused on change fatigue, the resistance or passive resignation to organizational changes on the part of an employee. Change fatigue continues to be one of the more challenging concepts to measure, as everyone has a different threshold for where they reach the point of being fatigued. However, much like an athlete, there are ways to train for change, including increasing organizational and personal change resilience. Change resilience is easier to measure, as we can use an individual's historical performance and reactions to change to understand where an organization needs to continue to build change muscles.  

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    Leveraging Tableau for Your Change Network: Part 2


    Tableau is an interactive data visualization software. Its drag and drop functionality empowers users from all technical skill levels access to the ability to drive actionable insights traditionally buried within stale reports. Generating visual cues, Tableau quickly identifies critical narratives spread across averages to outliers. Tableau capabilities include drill-through features which allow users to easily shift granularity levels, hover over tool tips which detail notes that provide guidance around the information users are consuming, and forecasting compatibility built within the tool and the access to pull in other advanced programs such as R and Python code.

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