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    Data Analytics

    Why Every Organization Needs a Data Catalog

    by Carly Dendinger, Shradha Ramesh, and Virginia Ryan

    As your organization grows its data maturity and culture of data, it is imperative to have data that is organized, structured, and effortlessly accessible. This is the linchpin for shedding light on strategic business decisions. Creating a data catalog streamlines the process to becoming a more data-driven organization, arming you with the knowledge to make well-informed decisions.

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    Know Thy Data: Setting the Stage for Data Analytics

    You can’t tell a data story until you know thy data. According to Socrates, true wisdom is knowing what you do not know. Data on its own is meaningless until you form relationships and correlate it to increase understanding. Every organization knows that information and data are abundant. But amidst an abundance of data, what do we do with it? The key lies not just in the data itself, but what we do to inform and communicate the data story. 

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    Three Reasons to Migrate to the Tableau Cloud

    Modernizing systems and moving to the cloud is an increasing priority for organizations across industries. Gartner estimates that the majority of enterprises will use cloud platforms by 2028 to accelerate business objectives. Tableau Cloud is the latest SaaS offering from Tableau that allows organizations to scale their analytics programs without the restrictions of on-premises solutions, providing the ability to securely share data across departments and empower all users to make data-driven decisions.

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    Leveraging Data and Analytics to Prepare for Digital Transformation

    Change is everywhere. The average organization today has undertaken five large-scale changes in the past three years, with expectations of multiplying this number in coming years. Big or small, many of these changes are either directly driven by technology or have a strong technological component. Digital transformation efforts average a failure rate of nearly 70 percent, despite the right intentions.

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