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    Posts by:

    Tim Oberschlake

    The Modern Rules of Healthcare ERP System Selection

    Healthcare providers relying on a legacy ERP system to work in today’s digitally innovative landscape are no longer able to keep up with the growing demands of modern healthcare organizations. ERP systems touch nearly every department, serving as the heart and soul of the business. Transformation can be costly, but it is more expensive to stick with legacy systems that do not meet current business needs or have the ability to adapt to the ever-changing nature of healthcare.

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    Three predictions for healthcare: What is to come in 2022

    One month into the new year, the healthcare community continues to fight another coronavirus surge. The ongoing pandemic has demanded increased innovation and called on healthcare IT leaders to digitally transform operations to improve patient care, lower costs, and improve the clinical, staff, and employee experience. What will we see in healthcare IT investments and business strategy in the coming year?

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    Building Your Cloud Migration Strategy: Considerations for Selecting Your Next ERP

    Hospitals and health systems running archaic systems for finance, human resources, and supply chain likely experience issues with data access and validity, high overhead costs, complicated or siloed processes, and limited functionality and capabilities compared to today’s all-in-one cloud solutions. For healthcare CIOs looking to move to an enterprise system in the cloud, there are a number of considerations to make when selecting a new ERP vendor.

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    Optimizing Operations: Managing the Heart of Your Health System

    Deploying a new cloud ERP system is a transformative process for any hospital or health system, which  can get increasingly complex in today’s environment of large acquisitions and mergers, where healthcare organizations are bringing together disconnected systems on different platforms with different processes, while planning resource allocation amid day-to-day operations. Additionally, hospital staff are already spread thin due to pandemic strain, staff shortages, and employees working remote, further hindering transformation efforts.

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    Making the Business Case for Cloud ERP

    The COVID-19 pandemic caused many organizations to shift to remote work and accelerate digital innovation. For some organizations, the transition was easy, but for others, it was a call to move business processes to the cloud. If the sudden shift to remote work isn’t enough motivation to consider the cloud, there are other reasons supporting the business case for cloud ERP.

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    Selecting Cloud ERP Software? Take a New Perspective if You Want to Be Successful

    Selecting the right ERP system is one of the most important decisions business leaders may make but get it right can be daunting. If you have selected an ERP in the past, you may recall the process: define the pain points, complete a future state analysis, document a detailed list of functional/technical requirements, and develop a list of potential solutions for consideration. While some of the basics remain unchanged, in the world of cloud ERP, the selection processes of the past will not deliver the best results for the future.

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