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    System Selection

    The Modern Rules of Healthcare ERP System Selection

    Healthcare providers relying on a legacy ERP system to work in today’s digitally innovative landscape are no longer able to keep up with the growing demands of modern healthcare organizations. ERP systems touch nearly every department, serving as the heart and soul of the business. Transformation can be costly, but it is more expensive to stick with legacy systems that do not meet current business needs or have the ability to adapt to the ever-changing nature of healthcare.

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    Building Your Cloud Migration Strategy: Considerations for Selecting Your Next ERP

    Hospitals and health systems running archaic systems for finance, human resources, and supply chain likely experience issues with data access and validity, high overhead costs, complicated or siloed processes, and limited functionality and capabilities compared to today’s all-in-one cloud solutions. For healthcare CIOs looking to move to an enterprise system in the cloud, there are a number of considerations to make when selecting a new ERP vendor.

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    A New Approach for Student System Selection in a Cloud World

    The global pandemic led many institutions to evaluate student systems, reassessing if existing technology meets the growing expectations of students, faculty, and staff. Selecting a student system is no small task; success in the cloud requires a new approach to software selection. The decision has lasting impact on every campus and business unit inside the institution. As your school approaches transformation, here are some things to consider.

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    Selecting Cloud ERP Software? Take a New Perspective if You Want to Be Successful

    Selecting the right ERP system is one of the most important decisions business leaders may make but get it right can be daunting. If you have selected an ERP in the past, you may recall the process: define the pain points, complete a future state analysis, document a detailed list of functional/technical requirements, and develop a list of potential solutions for consideration. While some of the basics remain unchanged, in the world of cloud ERP, the selection processes of the past will not deliver the best results for the future.

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    Considering the Cloud: The Ultimate Pro/Con List for ERP

    For many organizations, now, more than ever, the move to a cloud-based ERP is front and center. Pandemic-based stay at home orders and the rise in remote work has prompted many organizations to reassess their current on-premise ERP systems and consider a cloud-based solution. These decisions require thoughtful discussion to ensure that the system selected is the right one for the organization and industry. Here is a list of some of the top considerations when thinking about the move toward cloud-based ERP.

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    Lurking Legacy ERP: Banish the Ghost of ERPs Past

    While the threat of ERP implementation failure sounds scary (and practically expected), a recent Mint Jutras study found that 67 percent of manufacturers and distributors rated their implementations as successful or very successful. With proper planning and buy-in, a successful ERP implementation can save your organization money and improve back-end processes. Here are the morbid missteps to avoid and keep your ERP project out of the implementation graveyard.

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