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    Posts by:

    Tim Atkinson

    Paused for the Pandemic: Why Digital Transformation is Moving Full Steam Ahead in SLED

    Between offices closing, switching to remote work, and the lack of a daily commute, so much of our lives was put on pause during the pandemic. Many state and local government organizations also put transformation initiatives on the back burner as they worked to adjust to a remote world and keep their employees, students, and citizens safe. Like the private sector, government organizations had to pivot overnight amid the struggle of outdated and inflexible technology.

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    You Can’t Focus on the Future if You’re Stuck in the Past

    In the nearly two years following Covid-19, higher education has undergone an unprecedented uptake in digital transformation. Many higher education institutions are long overdue for modernization, having used the same technology for 20 years or longer. The digital revolution is moving forward and whether willing or unwilling, higher ed leaders know they need to get onboard and adapt.

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    ARPA Funding is Still Available: Here's How to Use It

    The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law a year ago on March 11, 2021. The plan, which includes $350 billion dollars in emergency funding, is dedicated to mitigating pandemic impacts for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. While now a year old, there is still funding available and recipients still have until December 31, 2024, to assign funds and until December 31, 2026, to spend them.

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    What is your migration mindset?

    Not everyone has the same philosophy when it comes to digital transformation and ERP migrations. Some organizations prefer to stick to what they know while others prioritize staying ahead of the technology curve, taking advantage of new features as soon as they’re available.

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