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    Posts by:

    Angelo Mazzocco

    Cloud Implementations: Don't Let the Pain of the Past Get in the Way of the Future

    For many organizations, the decision to move to the cloud is both simple and difficult at the same time. On one hand, the benefits are clear: streamlined operations, fewer manual processes, and improved efficiency. However, the process to get there can be daunting due to the time, effort, complexity, and cost that goes into a cloud implementation. The trepidation is compounded for organizations that hold bad memories from getting to where they are now with their current system.
    It’s important to not let the pain of past ERP implementations get in the way of your future with a cloud transformation. Below are ways to set yourself up for success when moving to the cloud.

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    The Pre-project Work when Redefining Your Organization

    The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many institutions to advance their digital transformation plans. According to the latest CIO Outlook Report that surveyed CIOs on the most pressing issues, 77.3% of respondents rated digital transformation as the top priority for 2021. An important part of any deployment project, however, happens before implementation even begins. Getting stakeholders aligned on the project prior to kick off is key to a smooth deployment and successful go-live.

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    When the CIO Holds the Key to Business Transformation

    It’s not every day an organization goes through a system selection process for a new ERP. The process for making a change to one of the most mission-critical technology investments can be long and complex, and it’s often the responsibility of the CIO to get it right. Selecting the right system isn’t where the work ends; moving employees through change and helping them adapt to the new way of working is a key to success that leaders often neglect. Here are five system selection success factors every CIO should consider.

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