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    Posts by:

    Judith Schouten

    Create Project Magic in your Organization with this Important Partnership

    Hey project managers, this one’s for you!

    Your project is two weeks from go-live. Everything is in the green – on time, on budget, and on scope, yet there are more and more rumblings that the organization isn’t ready. People don’t understand why and what is happening. Only five percent attended the training. The sponsors are getting pushback from other executives. There is talk of putting the go-live on hold. What now?

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    What You Missed at SHRM 2023

    Last week, more than 20,000+ human resources leaders and professionals from around the globe gathered for the 75th Annual SHRM conference in Las Vegas.  This year’s theme, Drive Change, could not be more appropriate for all of the transformations that have occurred in the workplace over the past 75 years, three years, or even the past six months (ChatGPT - we see you.)  

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    Do Now: Create a Do-Not-Do List

    The data is in. Employee burnout presents a daunting challenge for the entire workforce. According to the APA’s Work and Well-Being Survey of 1,501 U.S. adult workers, 79 percent of employees had experienced work-related stress in the month before the survey. When workers experience burn out, they are exhausted, less effective, and have lower engagement. With the pace of change not slowing down, what can leaders do to help their employees, teams, and organizations build resiliency, combat burnout, and fight change fatigue?

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