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    Posts by:

    Steve Csuka

    The 3 Pillars of Healthcare ERP: Trends in HCM, Finance & Supply Chain

    Midway through 2021, and it is shaping up to be a large year for transformation in the healthcare industry. The industry has seen a large push for telehealth options and growing ways for patients to be in charge of their data on the front-end, but what technology innovations are healthcare leaders focusing on in human resources, financial management, and supply chain?

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    How the Pandemic Changed Four Industries for Good

    It would be an understatement to say our lives have been changed by the pandemic. More family time, the ability to connect via technology, and the happiness of dogs everywhere, have been silver linings in an extremely difficult year. On the professional side, many of us have worked through the hiccups of remote work and are maybe starting to prefer it when compared to going to the office every day.

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    On the Other Side of the Pandemic

    Could healthcare go back to the way it was pre-pandemic? COVID-19 had a sudden and significant impact on individuals around the world and in nearly every industry, including healthcare. According to McKinsey’s Health System Financial Resilience Survey, nearly half (45%) of the CFOs surveyed expect it to take more than 18 months to return to pre-COVID-19 revenues, and 84% believe the negative impact on their operating margin to persist through 2021. Going back isn’t an option; the way forward is looking at the trends that have been growing over the last decade, which trends proved useful at the height of pandemic confusion and hospitalizations, and figuring out how to adjust business strategies to future-proof healthcare organizations.

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