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Stay in the know on evolving trends, key industry insights, and the expansive digital landscape from our experienced team.


    Mastering Remote Work Like a Pro

    I was a bit of a unicorn when I began working at home in 1999. Connecting to work using a 56K modem, minimizing knowledge I wasn’t located in an office, and figuring out how to stay visible while not on site were a few of the challenges. The biggest gains, however, were enhanced productivity and ability to focus on work itself.

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    Implications of the Novel Coronavirus for Healthcare IT

    If you’re reading this and you’re not aware of the novel coronavirus that’s either already causing a pandemic or is about to cause a pandemic, I suggest you go back to whatever you’re doing and enjoy the bliss that must be uniquely yours. For the rest of us, I thought it might be helpful to give a quick overview of what your healthcare information technology (HIT) team is likely feverishly working on behind the scenes.

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    Making Digital Transformations Work

    Ready or not - the digital age has arrived. Businesses across all industries are humming with the possibilities of transformations that allow improved speed and the ability to do more with less. But sadly, these efforts can seem abrupt, arbitrary, and without clear leadership driving the change. Digital transformation requires leaders to rethink not only how work is organized and managed, but also how to transform in a way that is smooth, intentional, and supported by leadership.

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    The Most Powerful Force in the Universe: Inertia

    Last month, UCSF researchers reported on a study wherein investigators modified the default dispense number for various ambulatory prescription opioids. The goal was to determine if researchers could adjust the prescribing habits of physicians via minimal changes in the electronic health record (EHR). And the results were . . . they could indeed modify physician prescribing trends!

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    4 OCM Tactics to Avoid Project Heart Break

    Large organizational changes, like an ERP implementation or upgrade, affect many people and processes. When not handled correctly, these changes can lower productivity and morale. The Avaap Organizational Change Management (OCM) team offers some words of wisdom on how to avoid project heartbreak when initiating organizational change in this special Valentine’s Day treat.

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    Why Ask Silly Questions? Why Indeed

    Last week, I did something crazy: I called my cable company. Now, now, people, calm down. I predict that everyone who just read what I wrote will agree with me that my action was unhinged. If you’re my age, you think it’s insane to call the cable company because they have a reputation for hating their customers and one would only call them if one is filled with self-loathing. If you’re a youngster, you think it’s insane to call the cable company because you don’t know what that means (“Call? Like talk on the phone to another human?” “What is this thing, this ‘cable company’ to which you refer?”) Anyway, I threw caution to the wind and called them.

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    How does HR impact your ERP Project Team?

    An ERP implementation is unlike any other project. The stress is enormous, the process is unfamiliar, and once you start, there is no going back. It should not come as a surprise, then, that existing human resource policies rarely are prepared for many of the ERP team issues that arise, and often, HR questions are left for the project manager to sort through. What follows is not a guidebook on how to handle these issues; just a few examples of things you will run into, and why they get complex quickly.

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