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    Emojis and Why Understanding Health Information Is So Difficult

    I’ve been accused of being a geek. I’m not sure why. But anyway, last week I was listening to a podcast about emojis. You know – emojis (or emoji if you prefer that as the plural): those cute little cartoony characters that are typically used in texts to convey meaning. Instead of texting the words “Thanks so much,” you can simply text 🙏. In fact, it’s possible to string together a complete dialog with a series of emojis. Imagine that some patients get a 🦠 and have to take an 🚑 to go to the 🏥. There, the patient is taken care of by a ‍👩‍⚕️ and hopefully they’ll get better and go home following safe practices and looking like 😷.

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    Part II – Picking up the pieces: Shifting to the new normal and maximizing compensation

    So, You Implemented Telemedicine. Now What?

    In partnership with Sonder Health, Avaap is providing a three-part series for healthcare organizations that rapidly moved to implement a telehealth solution at the onset of COVID-19 and have since dealt with a surge of virtual visits. Make sure to catch up on Part I of the series highlighting a few simple guidelines for starting your telemedicine program.  

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    Navigating OCM in the Public Sector

    Navigating change management in any sector presents challenges such as maintaining employee engagement or training and communication. Regardless of sector, the overarching goals of change management are to increase the likelihood of project success and minimize risk and disruption. Implementing change management in the public sector does, however, come with some unique challenges.

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    So, You Implemented Telemedicine. Now What?

    With the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Medical Association (AMA), and other medical specialties recommending a halt on non-essential medical encounters, the adoption of telemedicine has shifted into over-drive. According to research from Frost and Sullivan, March telehealth visits surged 50 percent amid the pandemic. Analysts now expect general medical care visits to top 200 million this year, up sharply from their original expectation of 36 million visits for all of 2020.

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    Remote work: What it Means for the Future of Higher Ed

    With the development of COVID-19, higher education institutions have had to be nimble and develop contingency plans to continue semesters online. Throughout the higher education landscape, the educational experience has shifted to distance-learning, and with that, are facing new challenges. Historically, higher education has relied on in-person teaching scenarios, with face-to-face interactions both in and out of the classroom. Orders to stay at home puts greater pressure on technology, and how to use it effectively to continue learning.

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    Three Things Future Leaders Should Know

    Our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment got a little more VUCA recently with the Coronavirus pandemic. Those of us not on the front lines in hospitals, grocery stores, and other essentials businesses are most likely working from home and doing our part to flatten the curve.

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    Leveraging Tableau for Your Change Network: Part 2


    Tableau is an interactive data visualization software. Its drag and drop functionality empowers users from all technical skill levels access to the ability to drive actionable insights traditionally buried within stale reports. Generating visual cues, Tableau quickly identifies critical narratives spread across averages to outliers. Tableau capabilities include drill-through features which allow users to easily shift granularity levels, hover over tool tips which detail notes that provide guidance around the information users are consuming, and forecasting compatibility built within the tool and the access to pull in other advanced programs such as R and Python code.

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