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    Posts by:

    Brenda Robinson

    Preparing for Media Exposure During Your Transformation

    Organizations worldwide are executing aggressive business strategies to leverage technological advances to integrate and simplify business processes, move crucial data to more secure cloud-based solutions, upgrade digital capabilities, and unify transactions across their digital footprint. These large-scale transformations often require significant resources and as such, often attract the attention of the media, public, community activists, and watchdog groups.

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    Leveraging Change Management When Moving to the Cloud

    Start with the end in mind: Optimize your future state by leveraging the current state

    When beginning a digital transformation project, most organizations are focused on their future vision. While knowing your goal state for business processes and systems is important for a successful transformation, it is also important to leverage your current state. The Tambellini group explains that doing so can be energizing for teams by bringing together problem silvers and removing day-to-day issues that may arise. Here is how leveraging your current state will optimize your end goal and help you get there.

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    50 Shades of Blue: Managing Disruptive Behaviors

    As consultants, we build relationships with business leaders, provide the tools needed for effective change, and conduct ourselves in the most professional manner possible. We lead by example and treat others with respect and patience, building collaborative relationships that foster the trust business leaders need to achieve their objectives. In order to be successful, it is important for our business partners to lead by example and commit to helping us build the collaborative relationships needed for a successful transition.

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    Implementing Change in a Unionized Environment

    Implementing large scale change can be challenging. Implementing change with a unionized workforce can be daunting if not managed properly. Labor unions carry a tremendous amount of power and can alter the course of a change initiative if not carefully managed. Historically speaking, the relationship between unions and management has always been contentious – especially during contract negotiations. While organizational leaders may find unions difficult, they must remember they are there for a reason. Labor unions ensure their members have fair working conditions, fair wages, benefits and work hours, and a safe place to work. Keeping this in mind, successful change with a unionized workforce requires intentional actions designed to engage and inform while providing a forum for union leaders to participate in the process.

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