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    Posts by:

    Derek Sharp

    The Value of Partnership in Digital Transformation

    For organizations that haven’t made the leap to the cloud, digital transformation is likely at the top of the business to-do list. More than two-thirds of CEOs from the world’s largest companies say they plan to undertake a major transformation initiative over the next 12 months. However, deploying a new ERP system can be a challenge without the right partners, inside and outside of the business.

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    Three Things You Won’t Want to Miss From Learning(Hu)Man 2020

    Summer camp isn’t just for the kids anymore. During the week of July 20, 2020, there is a digital immersion event, Learning(Hu)Man, hosted by Arizona State University that will bring insights from industry leaders and allow for networking with peers and vendors. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to discuss the challenges that the school year brings, and how to make the most of technology investments to keep things moving.

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    Remote work: What it Means for the Future of Higher Ed

    With the development of COVID-19, higher education institutions have had to be nimble and develop contingency plans to continue semesters online. Throughout the higher education landscape, the educational experience has shifted to distance-learning, and with that, are facing new challenges. Historically, higher education has relied on in-person teaching scenarios, with face-to-face interactions both in and out of the classroom. Orders to stay at home puts greater pressure on technology, and how to use it effectively to continue learning.

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