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    Digital Transformation Success: Lessons Learned from Deployment

    As many organizations are shifting to the cloud, the selection, pre-implementation and deployment processes are critical to making digital transformation successful. A recent survey of 1,675 CTOs and enterprise architects found that more than half of surveyed organizations plan to transition existing ERP systems to the cloud. Results also found that many projects fail to meet expectations due to lack of buy-in from end users. How can you combat this and modernize your organization to see success in a digital transformation project?

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    The Value of Partnership in Digital Transformation

    For organizations that haven’t made the leap to the cloud, digital transformation is likely at the top of the business to-do list. More than two-thirds of CEOs from the world’s largest companies say they plan to undertake a major transformation initiative over the next 12 months. However, deploying a new ERP system can be a challenge without the right partners, inside and outside of the business.

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