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    Change Management (9)

    Implementing Change in a Unionized Environment

    Implementing large scale change can be challenging. Implementing change with a unionized workforce can be daunting if not managed properly. Labor unions carry a tremendous amount of power and can alter the course of a change initiative if not carefully managed. Historically speaking, the relationship between unions and management has always been contentious – especially during contract negotiations. While organizational leaders may find unions difficult, they must remember they are there for a reason. Labor unions ensure their members have fair working conditions, fair wages, benefits and work hours, and a safe place to work. Keeping this in mind, successful change with a unionized workforce requires intentional actions designed to engage and inform while providing a forum for union leaders to participate in the process.

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    Navigating OCM in the Public Sector

    Navigating change management in any sector presents challenges such as maintaining employee engagement or training and communication. Regardless of sector, the overarching goals of change management are to increase the likelihood of project success and minimize risk and disruption. Implementing change management in the public sector does, however, come with some unique challenges.

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    Three Things Future Leaders Should Know

    Our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment got a little more VUCA recently with the Coronavirus pandemic. Those of us not on the front lines in hospitals, grocery stores, and other essentials businesses are most likely working from home and doing our part to flatten the curve.

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    Leveraging Tableau for Your Change Network: Part 2


    Tableau is an interactive data visualization software. Its drag and drop functionality empowers users from all technical skill levels access to the ability to drive actionable insights traditionally buried within stale reports. Generating visual cues, Tableau quickly identifies critical narratives spread across averages to outliers. Tableau capabilities include drill-through features which allow users to easily shift granularity levels, hover over tool tips which detail notes that provide guidance around the information users are consuming, and forecasting compatibility built within the tool and the access to pull in other advanced programs such as R and Python code.

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    A Little Luck for A Lot of Change Management

    On this St. Patrick’s Day, we reflect on the luck of the Irish!  Roman philosopher Seneca said, “luck happens when preparation meets opportunity,” and this could not be more accurate for organizational change management. The more you plan, manage, and align the more likely you are to realize your business goals in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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    4 OCM Tactics to Avoid Project Heart Break

    Large organizational changes, like an ERP implementation or upgrade, affect many people and processes. When not handled correctly, these changes can lower productivity and morale. The Avaap Organizational Change Management (OCM) team offers some words of wisdom on how to avoid project heartbreak when initiating organizational change in this special Valentine’s Day treat.

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