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    Digital Transformation (3)

    ARPA Funding is Still Available: Here's How to Use It

    The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law a year ago on March 11, 2021. The plan, which includes $350 billion dollars in emergency funding, is dedicated to mitigating pandemic impacts for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. While now a year old, there is still funding available and recipients still have until December 31, 2024, to assign funds and until December 31, 2026, to spend them.

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    Achieving Digital Transformation Success in Higher Ed

    For many institutions, it is time to undergo digital transformation. According to Educause, 38 percent of institutions are exploring digital transformation, and more have started a digital transformation project. Many digital transformation initiatives in higher ed are focused on the mission to improve student outcomes. Through transformation, institutions are able to adapt more quickly and enhance the employee and student experience.

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    Data Democratization and ERP Transformation

    The amount of data created every day is staggering. According to industry sources, more than 181 zettabytes of data will be created by 2025. However, despite the abundance of data, many higher education institutions struggle with extracting value from their data. Driving value requires a culture change and a solution to make data accessible. Democratizing data, or enabling access to data for everyone across the institution, creates barrier-free access so leaders can make data-driven, effective decisions.

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    Unlock the Value of Your Workday Solution

    Going live on Workday is a huge accomplishment for any organization. A cloud solution that seamlessly connects information and creates efficiencies is a game-changer and frees resources to focus on higher value activities. However, for many organizations, once the deployment partner is no longer part of the day-to-day processes, it can be challenging to know how to use Workday to its full potential. Engaging post-production support or an application management services (AMS) provider can help you deploy additional applications missed in the initial implementation or provide experienced resources to stabilize the transition for ongoing operations.

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    Cloud Implementations: Don't Let the Pain of the Past Get in the Way of the Future

    For many organizations, the decision to move to the cloud is both simple and difficult at the same time. On one hand, the benefits are clear: streamlined operations, fewer manual processes, and improved efficiency. However, the process to get there can be daunting due to the time, effort, complexity, and cost that goes into a cloud implementation. The trepidation is compounded for organizations that hold bad memories from getting to where they are now with their current system.
    It’s important to not let the pain of past ERP implementations get in the way of your future with a cloud transformation. Below are ways to set yourself up for success when moving to the cloud.

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    A New Approach for Student System Selection in a Cloud World

    The global pandemic led many institutions to evaluate student systems, reassessing if existing technology meets the growing expectations of students, faculty, and staff. Selecting a student system is no small task; success in the cloud requires a new approach to software selection. The decision has lasting impact on every campus and business unit inside the institution. As your school approaches transformation, here are some things to consider.

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    Higher Education in the Cloud: Three Reasons Your Institution Should Consider a New Student System

    Technology has changed a lot in the last 20 years with beepers and palm pilots giving way to mobility and modern analytics. However, many higher education institutions are operating on legacy systems that are more than 20 years old, and often cobbling together several systems to achieve functionality they need. With an eye on better visibility, many institutions are considering technology modernization, including shifting student systems to the cloud. As institutions consider the options for moving to the cloud, here are three reasons to do it now.

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    Digital Transformation Success: Lessons Learned from Deployment

    As many organizations are shifting to the cloud, the selection, pre-implementation and deployment processes are critical to making digital transformation successful. A recent survey of 1,675 CTOs and enterprise architects found that more than half of surveyed organizations plan to transition existing ERP systems to the cloud. Results also found that many projects fail to meet expectations due to lack of buy-in from end users. How can you combat this and modernize your organization to see success in a digital transformation project?

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    The ABCs of Digital Transformation

    Back-to-school season is here and while students are thinking of classes and what they'll be learning in the coming year, business leaders are seeking education on digital transformation and how to improve operations in their institutions. Whether deploying new financials software or modernizing legacy systems to the cloud to take advantage of advanced functionality, proper planning is the crux of a successful cloud deployment.

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