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    Posts about:

    Digital Transformation (2)

    Now is the time for Digital Transformation in Transit

    During the pandemic, transit agencies played an essential role in ensuring the mobility of Americans. The focus was to keep critical operations running despite experiencing historically low utilization. As agencies plan for returning to pre-pandemic levels of travel and an influx of capital from federal aid, now is the time for transit associations to transform their operations and equip themselves for the future.

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    Contract Vehicles Save Time and Money: Here's How

    The process of embarking on a digital transformation can be daunting, and choosing the right partner is an important task that can make or break a project. Using contract vehicles, public sector organizations can streamline the procurement process to find partners that are vetted, understand the needs of public sector organizations, and are ready to partner for success. Here are three ways contract vehicles save time and money.

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    Modernizing with Workday Student: What You Need to Know

    Changing student expectations are driving the need for transformation in higher education, yet the majority of colleges and universities are working with legacy systems that are 20 years old or older. Students today want to be able to register for classes, see their degree progress, pay their bill, accept their financial aid and many other critical student experience tasks using their mobile device.

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    Higher Education and the Aging Workforce

    Higher ed has a greater share of older workers than other industries. The median age for higher education staff is 45, above the U.S. workforce average of 42. As baby boomers approach retirement age and exit the workforce in the coming decade, they will be followed by Generation X — a much smaller generation. At the same time, by 2030, it is expected that nearly one in five workers will be over the age of 65. As workers continue toward retirement, it can create challenges in the IT department as knowledge leaves the institution. For individuals who stay, it creates a training need for people to learn new systems and processes and adapt to change.

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    The Importance of Communication in a Workday Deployment

    For many higher education institutions, a cloud implementation is the largest initiative undertaken in 20 years or longer. However, a successful transformation project is more than modernizing technology. Success is measured on the level of adoption and use of the new system and takes careful planning. Bringing human resources, financial, and student systems together impacts the entire institution, and as with any widespread change, developing a robust communication strategy is vital to project success.

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    You Can’t Focus on the Future if You’re Stuck in the Past

    In the nearly two years following Covid-19, higher education has undergone an unprecedented uptake in digital transformation. Many higher education institutions are long overdue for modernization, having used the same technology for 20 years or longer. The digital revolution is moving forward and whether willing or unwilling, higher ed leaders know they need to get onboard and adapt.

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