Why is change management important for a Workday deployment?
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, except when we are talking about change management.
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The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, except when we are talking about change management.
We know that artificial intelligence (AI) will change how you do your job and how your organization does business. And it just might change the world.
Implementing a large-scale change within a city government is a complex task that requires careful planning, collaboration, and adaptability. The challenge of change in city governments includes navigating complex bureaucratic structures, diverse stakeholder interests, and the natural resistance to change.
Ask yourself these questions…
Have you thought about your organization’s change management strategy? Do you know how to move your organization from needing more information to realizing benefits?
You’ve probably heard the phrase teamwork makes the dream work, but have you ever put much thought into what that really means and how to put it into practice?
Business leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve their organizations and streamline processes to meet current and future business needs. Most companies are transforming or need to transform to remain competitive, be more efficient, and position themselves for growth. With change comes disruption, but even when it is positive, change can be difficult to manage. With proper organizational change management, disruptions can be minimized, and successful transformation can be achieved.
Have you found yourself in a position where you are expected to lead team members through an important change initiative? Do you feel like you’re lost and don’t know the first thing about leading your team through transformation? You aren’t alone. One of the main reasons leaders resist change is because they lack confidence in their ability to manage the people side of change.
Last week, more than 20,000+ human resources leaders and professionals from around the globe gathered for the 75th Annual SHRM conference in Las Vegas. This year’s theme, Drive Change, could not be more appropriate for all of the transformations that have occurred in the workplace over the past 75 years, three years, or even the past six months (ChatGPT - we see you.)
This is part two of a two-part blog series by Avaap Senior Consultant, Dr. Brandon Rogers, PMP, PMI-ACP. Part one looked at introducing the change curve and why it matters.